
This is a picture of two creatures that are disguised as humans on there way to there next victim. They were walking along and they saw a crazed wolf with glowing red eyes and seven inch fangs. The wolf growled at them so the creatures then turn them self’s into spooky scary skeleton and shivered down the wolfs spine to confuse the wolf then through there skulls at the wolf and feasted on the evil wolf that once was.

100 WC

This year my basketball team is very good. When it is the tournament we are not going to lose. When  we get to the championship we are going to play great defense and steel lots of passes. We will also get every single rebound and lose ball that way the other team will not even have a chance. The final score is going to be forty five  to twenty seven and the winner is Logan Elm. That is how my basketball team the Logan Elm Braves is going to win the tournament.

100 WC

This is a picture of a crime scene a crime seen. What happened here was a terrible crime. What happened was a criminal stole a key from someones wallet that way they could break into there house. When the robbers broke in they started to steal every thing in cite but all of a sudden they saw a beast in the darkness the robbers were so frightened that they throw there key into the grass and ran for his life never to be heard from again.